A Prayer on Mothers’ Day
A Prayer on Mothers’ Day
[A parishioner, whose father, during the period of the Second World War, was the Rector of the parish which I currently serve, has delivered to me a file containing many of his papers, sermons, meditations, and prayers. Fr. Spicer was a powerful and influential leader in establishing the Eucharist as the primary service throughout the Episcopal Church. Toward the end of his active ministry, he received an honorary doctorate from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary for his efforts to renew the liturgical life of the church, and particularly for his leadership as a tireless teacher. The following is a prayer he wrote for Mothers’ Day. I used it to honor the women of my parish, and also as a reminder of our distinguished past. May God continue to bless the women of the church. And thanks be to God for Fr. Spicer’s life of devoted service in Christ’s name.]
“O Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, Giver of all spiritual grace, the Author of everlasting life: send thy blessing on all the mothers of the world in whatever need they may have, physical, spiritual, or mental; grant them light and strength so to teach and love and care for their children that they may grow in truth and love; when the time comes for them to go their own way, give the mothers serenity of heart and confidence in thee, that what they have done in doubts and uncertainties, may be fulfilled in the comfort of Thy Name, that human frailties and inadequacies may be swallowed up in they love and forgiveness; and, we beseech thee, O Father, to grant to all women who have not been granted the privilege of motherhood so to be joined together in thy human family of the Body of Christ that they may reflect in their lives the spirit of motherhood to all thy children, through Jesus Christ our Lord.”